design is much more than hanging speakers and turning up the volume. Our
design engineers consider many factors before designing a sound system for
your event.
By looking at the shape and size of your stage, we carefully choose the correct speakers, speaker position, and audio routing to achieve the best sound possible within your budget, space, and set-up parameters.
Separate mixes for recording, backstage, audience fill, and on-stage monitoring are all considered and planned for during the design phase. This allows us to pre-program routing and busses before getting on-site.
Input assignment for all audio sources as well as microphone selection and placement for both wired and wireless microphones is also completed in the design phase.
for a large event requires taking into account three aspects of the live
visual element. First is the experience of the audience. Second the
comfort of the performers and presenters on-stage. Third, the lighting for
video which can sometimes be at odds with the first two.
Our experience helps us to design a lighting experience which can serve all three purposes. We make your stage shine bright, video look crisp, and performers comfortable.
projection is the medium audiences expect to impress and inform them
throughout your meeting or event.
Our technicians design and implement big, bright, beautiful screens and surfaces to help "wow" and motivate your group.
Careful consideration goes into selecting the right screen sizes, and shapes. Projectors, throw-distances, and switching capabilities are all engineered to suit your event's design objectives, while keeping a close eye on the budget.